
Saturday 2 July 2011

A Climb

Today, I climbed a flight of stairs. 500 steps to be exact. I could have chosen the easier route, the elevator but I choise the stairs. The starting part was easy, but I gradually could feel the pain and asked myself "Why did I choose to climb the stairs?" Then I saw a girl ahead of me, who looked at me and laughed. I laughed back, and I forgot about the pain and cotinued going. If everyone could make it to the top then why coudn't I? As, I reached the top, I felt a sense of relief but then I came across some more stairs. This time they were shorter. I made it, and yes I felt exhausted but I didn't give up!

Do not worry, I m not a fitness fanatic. It's about what they represent to me. The stairs represent the climb of life. No matter how many they are, how painful it might seem there is always the top. The girl made it easier because in life it is the people that will help you on your way by providing you joy and knowledge that you are not alone. Everyone is climbing those stairs, some are climbing them at ease and some are finding it more difficult. The top is our lifes purpose, we are all going through each step of life to achieve it.

The more steps, simply meant that even though it might seem like you are close or have reached it, there will be more challenges. There will be people walking by your side, some will be ahead of you and they dissapear but they were at one point at your step but they had to go on with their journey.

So, know that life is about climbing those flght of stairs. Take it as there will be more but so what? Let me enjoy it despite the pain. Let me accept that pain, is part of the climb.

I m still climbing my stairs, and yes I have a long way to go but eventually I will reach there with laugter and love because without the stairs, life would be just a smooth road with nothing.

Till then,

Peace and Love.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Two Sides

" I feel as though two wolves are fighting in my heart. One of the wolves is angry, violent and wants revenge. The other is full of love and compassion"

The grandad asked:

"Grandfather, tell me which one of the two wolves will win the fight in your heart?"

The grandfather answered:

"The one in which I feed."

This is one of my favorite stories as the moral is very simple. Two sides to every person. One we were all born with which is full of love and compassion and the other that is taught to us because of the world we live in. Acknowledging we have two sides, means we have a choice in which side we can choose.

It's a challenge, that takes a lot of self-displine, forgivness and love. Afterall, imagine how much you'll contribute to the world!



We'll fight for our right for freedom

Two Sides

Two Sides

The Climb

The Climb